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Ojai Wild

Rose Total Spectrum Phyto Mist - 4.25oz - Ojai Wild

Rose Total Spectrum Phyto Mist - 4.25oz - Ojai Wild

Regular price $88.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $88.00 USD
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Rose Total Spectrum is a luxurious, hydrating Facial Phyto Mist. Bioactive rose volatiles and super nutrients  are derived from our specially infused water matrix formulated with Ojai Wild roses, grown on our farm and distilled in-house. This special water combined with rose infused USP glycerin, monk fruit extract and rose flower water essence are designed to gently restore, nourish and balance both the skin and one’s auric, emotional well-being.

A multi-dimensional beauty product, Ojai Wild tea roses are hydro distilled in glass, eliciting billions of volatile scent and medicinal molecules. This is combined with Aten Ray’s pristine, vibrational flower essence, immortal monk fruit and organic glycerin to promote hydration, elasticity and emotional restoration.

Rose Total Spectrum is the first release in our series of Water As Medicine™ offerings, where we introduce skincare as a total, "true"  beauty experience, considering both the health and well being of your skin and spirit via this specially infused water matrix. 

"Ancient distillation techniques for essences and oils are at the heart of Ojai Wild."

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